Branch sisyphus_riscv64 update bulletin.
Package pacemaker updated to version 2.1.2-alt1 for branch sisyphus_riscv64.
Closed vulnerabilities
Уязвимость программного средства управления ресурсами кластера Pacemaker, связанная с недостатками контроля доступа, позволяющая нарушителю получить доступ к конфиденциальной информации или вызвать отказ в обслуживании
Modified: 2024-11-21
An ACL bypass flaw was found in pacemaker. An attacker having a local account on the cluster and in the haclient group could use IPC communication with various daemons directly to perform certain tasks that they would be prevented by ACLs from doing if they went through the configuration.
- [debian-lts-announce] 20210106 [SECURITY] [DLA 2519-1] pacemaker security update
- [debian-lts-announce] 20210106 [SECURITY] [DLA 2519-1] pacemaker security update
- GLSA-202309-09
- GLSA-202309-09
Package espeak updated to version 1.48.04-alt3 for branch sisyphus_riscv64.
Closed bugs
espeak-data: конфликты при обновлении
Package apache2 updated to version 2.4.51-alt2 for branch sisyphus_riscv64.
Closed bugs
Зависит от systemd
Package ethtool updated to version 5.15-alt1 for branch sisyphus_riscv64.
Closed bugs
В README.ALT осталось упоминание init-скрипта
Package bluez updated to version 5.62-alt2 for branch sisyphus_riscv64.
Closed bugs
Требует /bin/systemctl
Package alterator-setup updated to version 0.3.14-alt1 for branch sisyphus_riscv64.
Closed bugs
alterator-setup зависит от systemd
Package drbd-utils updated to version 9.19.1-alt3 for branch sisyphus_riscv64.
Closed bugs
Зависит от systemd
Package elinks updated to version 0.14.3-alt1 for branch sisyphus_riscv64.
Closed vulnerabilities
Modified: 2024-11-21
ELinks 0.12 and Twibright Links 2.3 have Missing SSL Certificate Validation.